Leptin And How It Is Involved Into Fat Burning

Have you noticed how different we are? Someone can eat their favorite desserts and won’t gain a pound the other bulks up after breathing near a cheesecake. But why does this happen? The reason is the key to problem solving.


You definitely know this word, but what does it actually mean? Metabolism is a process of transforming consumed calories into the energy an organism needs to function well. If the metabolism is slow – people will get obese and it’s vice versa – rapid metabolism prevents people from getting any weight no matter how much they eat.
It might seem unfair as most of us have to count calories, measure portions and deny favorite snacks. But luckily we can speed it up naturally and it is easier than everyone thinks.

5 milestones

To discover the best boosting method we have to check what influences the speed of transforming food into energy. There 5 key points that decide how fast we gain weight:

  • Emotional state

Wild mood swings ruin physical health. Stress is the #1 enemy for everyone struggling to shed a few sizes. It slows down most biological processes making the body function lingeringly and thus provoke more calories turning into body fat. Depression is also an enemy. When we are depressed – we prefer spending days in our beds leaving them only for restroom and another food delivery. Although people mostly eat less under this condition, they are yet physically inactive. This gives a signal to their body to turn on ‘energy saving mode’ and save more fat. Stay calm and you will manage your weight. 

  • Diet

It is not a secret that healthy food is easier to digest. The faster the digestion – the better is metabolism. Junk food is rich in trans fats and carbs and the stomach needs more time to deal with it. Meal schedule matters too. One cannot starve for a whole day, get stuffed in the evening and remain slim. In this case the body starts gaining more fat to survive during starvation period.

  •   Exercise load

Everyone says that working out is an essential part of a healthy lifestyle. Every move stimulates metabolism. If there is no chance you can afford a gym due to financial or time lack – just walk as much as you can during the day switching to jogging from time to time. 

  • Genes

Mom and dad granted you a unique set of genes and some of them are responsible for your metabolism speed.

  • Hormones

These invisible fellows control everything. All processes inside our bodies are subjects to hormones. The most important for women is Leptin as it reduces appetite by signaling to the brain we got enough useful substances. The less we consume – the easier it is for us to manage  overeating.

How to balance Leptin

Balancing any of the hormones is complicated. Leptin is produced in visceral fat, skeletal muscle and gastric mucosa. When its level is stable – brain gets signals that store of energy is sufficient. In case of disbalance the brain thinks the body needs more calories. 

If you just can’t stop eating – that might be the sign your Leptin level is not OK. Watch your diet: add more healthy fats, fiber, fermented foods and cruciferous vegetables. Try to avoid sugar, grains and sweeteners. Increasing water intake is recommended.

Make sure you get enough sleep. Take a nap every time you have at least an hour of spare time. Our bodies need 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day to balance all hormones.

Get essential oils to self-care rituals. That’s not new; they help bring minds and souls into order. But what we didn’t know – they help out with hormones too. 
Get supplements. Yes, scientists have developed technologies that help bring hormones in order with 1 capsule a day. That little to tell our brain we have eaten enough and stop consuming more calories than we actually need. 

Alyssa Lightman
Alyssa Lightman - sarcast, fabulist, content expert. Her basic rule is: no matter what you write - keep it short. As no matter how rewarding as tackling and immersive longreads can be, short but strong texts inger with us the longest and often become lifechanging.

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