Rhythm Is The Key: 5 Hallmarks

Previous parts:

Rhythm is the key: Main Meals

Rhythm Is The Key: Developing New Eating Habits

Our plan is based on whole and seasonal foods. Remember that sensible nutrition is the one that includes sufficient variety of products and their correct combination. There hardly are any irreplaceable products and the plan is not a dogma, but a qualitatively composed diet basis. However, there are several conditions to be followed strictly. 

We have several key points:

1. Consuming only high quality fresh products.

2. Eliminating non-digestible foods.

3. Choosing easy food combinations. It does not mean that there is just 1 that is healthy and the others are bad. In the modern approach to food, it is customary to combine all macronutrients in one meal – we can eat anything for lunch, but there are smart combinations that bring less harm to our digestive tract. This key point is even more significant for dinners. 

4. Observe the intervals between the main three meals (on average, 3.5-4.5 hours). Eat according to your biological rhythm to give your body time to assimilate food and recover. Upscale early big breakfast is a must. Hearty balanced diversified lunch is the general meal. As for the dinner – top priority foods are: green non-root vegetables and herbs. You can add light protein (like eggs, seafood and fish) sometimes. Cheese is allowed less often. Choose the one that is not made of cow’s or non-fat milk. Strict rhythm: 3 meals and non-intensive sports, 8-10 thousand steps daily, in addition to moderate activities.

5. Final step is body detox. No matter what and how we eat – our liver, kidneys, lymph and intestinal tract remove metabolic by-products from our body daily. Raw vegetables, herbs, berries and fruits in our diet help getting rid of ‘debris’, accumulated in our organisms. This is why we should keep their ratio close to 50%.

Cereals and legumes digest easier when they are previously soaked. Don’t overuse water to boil cereals and root vegetables. Let’s keep all useful substances inside: bake, steam, stew or grill them for perfect taste and maximal benefit.

Sesame, flax, pumpkin, hemp and cedar seeds are our friends. Get a jar to store a mix of seeds, almond or walnut crumbs. Add them to all salads and vegetable stews.

When eating out – order your salads without dressing if you are unaware of its quality. Just ask for Extra Virgin olive oil or lemon juice served separately. Avoid ordering roasted food to minimize the amount of refined oil intake.

Seafood and organ meat are prioritized as there is a sense of ‘nutritional density’ (based on how healthy and functional 1kcal of the product is), which is 10\10 for these groups of foods.
Cod liver, fish soups on whole carcasses, salted fish with caviar, seafood with shells or sardines in olive oil, high-quality homemade fish pastes, octopus, calamars, scallops, lobsters should be the basis of your diet.

Doubting about the quality of frozen fish? There are a lot of delivery services that offer fresh seafood delivery for reasonable prices. 

Alyssa Lightman
Alyssa Lightman - sarcast, fabulist, content expert. Her basic rule is: no matter what you write - keep it short. As no matter how rewarding as tackling and immersive longreads can be, short but strong texts inger with us the longest and often become lifechanging.

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