Balanced Diet 101(Part 1): What Is Balanced Diet And Why We Need It

If you are reading this it means that you’re ready to start making changes for the better. Now you need to understand that the diet is very important. We will be changing your habits to make sure food works for the future. No more crazy diets and restrictions! The main idea is to understand that this is not a magic pill or a temporary thing, it takes hard work to change your biorhythms and lifestyle to the one that will improve your overall well-being, your health, and your body. We will teach you how to choose the right food.

We will be taking a more liberal, “low-carb, high-fat” approach to the Autoimmune protocol diet. It will help fix those nutrition mistakes you’ve been making and living with for years, or even decades. And you have to understand that those habits are not something that can be changed in a week. But don’t worry, 4 weeks are more than enough to build a solid start and improve your diet.  

Bad nutrition affects our bodies. It accumulates in fat cells, on the walls of blood vessels and intestines, jeopardizing our endocrine system. This is why good nutrition is so vital. Good food nourishes us from the inside out. It helps keep our energy levels up, weight off and skin clean. And it’s us who are responsible for what’s on our plates. The sooner you realize that the better.

We know that changing your habits is hard, but we are here to help you. No more intense workouts and “starving” diets. There is going to be plenty of recipes, simple yet delicious. Just make sure you follow these 3 fundamental rules, and you’ll be fine:

Rule #1 — Fresh and high-quality products only. The more whole and less-processed they are the better. This is the main criteria for choosing food, we stick to it strictly. Food must be as close to its natural, original form as possible — it’s the main rule. 

The time of the day when you eat your meal is also very important. We will be coming to this every time. As for the products, focus on gluten-free whole grains, vegetables, berries, fruits, and herbs that are high in fiber and phytonutrients. Do not forget to eat plenty of protein — like seafood, eggs and by-products —  as it’s responsible for all regenerating processes in your body. 

As for desserts, switch to cocoa beans or dark chocolate and marmalade. And start checking the labels when you buy things. The ingredients must be simple and clear enough for you to understand. Make sure it does not look like a periodic table of elements. Show your body some respect by eating less processed food.

Rule #2 — Meal timing is more important than you think. We will be learning to eat on the schedule as there is the right time for everything. By eating the right foods at the right times, we create a more balanced body.

Relu #3 — Incompatible food combinations, drastic calorie reductions and nutrient deficiency. You’ll be surprised how much all these things can affect your body and overall well-being. There will be no more exhausting training sessions at the gym. Our diet plan is for moderate workouts only. We will be learning to develop a positive attitude towards our bodies.

Now that we are clear on the importance of nutrition, it’s time to talk about our gut. Digestive health is the new big wellness trend, and functional eating is actually what helps to keep our gut healthy. It also helps to take care of the microbiome – a complex ecosystem of bacteria living within us. Our digestive system and our metabolism are very connected. The main function of the gut is to transport, digest, and eliminate ingested material to supply nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and electrolytes that are essential for life.  

Our main task here is to detox our body. We will incorporate pre- and probiotic food to our diet which will help adjust the microbiome. Once we’ve done that we can talk about healthy eating norms and food consumption. In fact, you can eventually eat everything you want but only when you have a healthy gut. 

From Day 1 we will be working on the quality of your diet. We will make it diverse and delicious. From now on, you will be making grocery lists. You will be buying good, healthy foods to bring home and cook simple and tasty meals. 

Read more in Balanced Diet 101(Part 2)

Balanced Diet 101(Part 3)

Annie Stepanova
Not nerdy enough that nerdy people like her, not normal enough that any other people like her…this pretty much describes Ann. She’s a huge Harry Potter fan and punk rock lover who believes that Parks and Recreation is the best show ever. A foster cat mom. Guinness, junk food and stand-up comedians are her biggest weaknesses. A great fan of traveling that has misplaced a bit of her heart in the United States. Forever annoyed by society’s ways but actively trying to do something about it.

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